Thursday, February 19, 2009

Yeah, yeah... I've been slacking

So, I don't really know why I started this blog anymore. I'm TERRIBLE at keeping up with these things- I think this is the third or fourth blog I've started, then gotten bored with a month or two in. Story of my life, really- I have a very short attention span for certain things- like cars, work... Men... LOL. Just kidding, sort of.

I've been doing really well lately on most fronts. The one thing that's not going so well is sleeping. I simply can not get to sleep anymore. I've NEVER had trouble sleeping- it's a really new thing- and I HATE it! I lay in bed awake every night till 1, 2, 3 in the morning. Of course, I still have to be up at 7 (really should be up by 6, but you know how it is when you don't get to sleep till 3...), so then I'm dragging the next day, thinking I'll be in bed by 10. Go to bed at ten, just to lay there awake again. Very frustrating.

I just ran out of my anti-depressants and I don't think I'm going to refill them. For some reason I think they have something to do with my lack of sleep- like maybe my depression magically went away (I've been on the pills a year now, after all) and they're making me manic? I don't know. I do know that St. Johns Wart has been working well for my husband for the last several months, so I'm going to try that for a while. I used St. Johns Wart for a bit before I went the chemical route, and it didn't work, but that was in the depths of my depression. I've been feeling so good lately, I just don't know if the term "depressed" even applies to me anymore. Which is a good thing!

Well, I'm going to try to better about keeping this thing up, but no promises (not even to myself, since I'm really the only one who reads this thing).

Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Thursdays

This has become my typical Thursday- my day off work while the kids are at school-

I got up this morning and took the boy to school. After that, the girl and I hit the grocery store to pick up a couple things so I could make a lasagna for our friend Tim's birthday dinner (I volunteered to cook him dinner for his birthday) and cat food.

After that, I took the girl to school. When we got there, they were doing "morning movement" (i.e. dancing). I left at morning snack time and went home to work on cleaning my kitchen- it was TERRIBLE. I did 2 1/2 loads of dishes. Then I cleaned both bathrooms, did 5 loads of laundry, and cleaned both fish tanks.

The husband ran out to get pellets for the stove while I was cleaning, so when he came home, we unloaded 1/2 ton of pellets- 9 loads with 1 40 lb bag (down the stairs to the basement). Then I cleaned the litter box, and took a 20 minute bath while reading my book.

I was pretty much out of time by then, so I ran out to pick up the kids from school, and came back home. When we got home, I put on the ingredients for marinara sauce, home made apple sauce, and the pasta with sausage I was making for dinner. After we ate, I cooked meat and assembled 2 lasagnas. Then I swept and mopped the kitchen and folded all of the kids' laundry.

It is now 11:30, and I've just sat down for really just about the first time today. I am beat. Of course, I have another sink full of dishes from cooking so much today, but I just can't do another thing today. Ugh.